# AI will purify the use of journalistic skills Go back to [[Week 3 - Introduction]] --- Artificial intelligence and automation are far from reducing the number of jobs in journalism, as some think, on the contrary, they would provide new job opportunities, as tomorrow's journalists will need to be trained in designing these algorithms, updating and modifying them, verifying their validity, correcting, supervising and maintaining them ... Configuring a computer, as opposed to manually entering data, always requires understanding the process you're undertaking. With the CMS, you could get good at just getting fast at entering junk data into fields someone else had built. If journalists are actively tweaking an AI based on the fundamentals of journalistic principles, training in journalism can return to theory more than mechanics. See the [[The AI Job Replacement Axiom]] for more information. (Page 9) --- Integration or Replacement: Journalism in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Robot Journalism Go back to the [[Readings list]] or the [[Master of Philosophy - Main Page]] Reference: Saad Saad, D., & Issa, T. A. (2020). Integration or Replacement: Journalism in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Robot Journalism. International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications. 6(3). The [relevant section is available here.](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Saad_Saad13/publication/343263293_International_Journal_of_Media_Journalism_and_Mass_Communications_IJMJMC_Page_1_Integration_or_Replacement_Journalism_in_the_Era_of_Artificial_Intelligence_and_Robot_Journalism/links/5f203ecd92851cd5fa4e48e1/International-Journal-of-Media-Journalism-and-Mass-Communications-IJMJMC-Page-1-Integration-or-Replacement-Journalism-in-the-Era-of-Artificial-Intelligence-and-Robot-Journalism.pdf) #AIBusinessCase